Innova’s new distance driver that is in between a Shryke and Destroyer!
It has the carry of the Shryke, but more stability!
Innova’s new distance driver that is in between a Shryke and Destroyer!
It has the carry of the Shryke, but more stability!
If the Destroyer wasn’t fast enough for you.
The Star Tern has a great combination of distance and control. The Tern is a 12 speed distance driver that is the perfect understable compliment to a Destroyer.
Flippy and full of glide like apples are full of goodness and I just turned into the Church Lady.
A step slower and less stable than a Destroyer.
The new amazing slightly overstable hybrid driver!
It is considered the little brother to the DD3, just like the Wraith is to the Destroyer!
Discmania have been working on the S-Line in their new lab for a while and it now ready hitting all 5 stars!
Exceptional Feel, Superior Grip, Remarkable Glide, Great Durability and High-Quality Finish!
12 speed overstable driver that is similar to the popular Destroyer!
Made by Lone Star Discs*
12 speed overstable driver that is similar to the popular Destroyer!
Made by Lone Star Discs*
Bravo Plastic – Durable, Smooth, Tough and more flexible!
Atomic is a premium tough grippy opaque plastic that comes in a range of stiffness and with a variety of colours and effects. This plastic is similar to Innova Star
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