Prodigy F3, 400
Similar to a Star Teebird?
Prodigy F2, 750
Stable to overstable fairway driver.
Prodigy F2, 400
F = Fairway. 2 = Less overstable than 1, but more overstable than 3. 400 = Prodigy’s most popular premium plastic.
Prodigy F1, 750
Slower FD3 or Felon.
Prodigy F1, 400
Lower number means more stability. An F1 is more overstable than an F3.
Prodigy F1, 300
Premium grip and stability.
Prodigy D4, 400
Easy turn, and a probable fade.
Prodigy D3, Air
The nicest air bubble plastic out there.
Sirius Quasar, Bottom Stamp
Out with the old and in with the new!
Prodigy D3, 400
More understable than the D2, but more overstable than the D4. Who said it’s complicated?
Sirius Polaris LS
Less stable than the LF.
Prodigy D2, 400
Combination of glide and overstability.
Sirius Orion LF
The long fade!
Sirius Omega
The Alpha and Omega of premium plastic.
Sirius Aurora MS
The quintessential point-and-shoot midrange. Straight for days.
Prodigy D1, 400
Meat. Which is short for Meathook. Which means its very overstable.
Showing 5601–5616 of 5818 results