Showing 65–80 of 336 results
PA1, 400 Alden Harris ’22
2020 Music City open Champion!
PA2, 300 Kajiyama Signature
Manabu Kajiyama’s 2021 Signature Team Series PA-2!
PA2, 500 Manabu Kajiyama ’22
12X Japanese Champion!
PA3, 350G Kevin Jones ’22
Disc Golf Pro Tour Champion!
PA3, 500 Lykke Lorentzen ’22
2X Norwegian Champion!
Prodigy A1, 300 Origins
Overstable approach disc with a special Original Stamp!
Prodigy A1, 500
Very overstable approach disc in fabulous 500 plastic!
Prodigy A1, 750
Mmmmmmm Beeefy!
Prodigy A2, 300 Soft
Grippy and soft overstable approach disc!
Prodigy A2, 400
Beadless overstable approach disc.
Prodigy A2, 500
Great overstable approach disc in the unique 500 plastic with more grip on the bottom and slick on top.
Prodigy A2, 750
The perfect amount of stability to get to the basket.
Prodigy A3, 200
Great base line approach disc!
Prodigy A3, 300 Kevin JonesBS
Bottom stamped Kevin Jones DGPT Champion
Prodigy A3, 400
Beaded overstable approach disc.
Prodigy A3, 400 Kevin JonesBS
Bottom stamped Kevin Jones DGPT Champion
Showing 65–80 of 336 results