Showing 65–80 of 165 results
Hyper Diamond Demon
Sounds like my ex-girlfriend.
Hyper Diamond Devil Hawk
Hyper Diamond Hemp Blade
Great overstable control driver made in recycled Hemp!
Hyper Diamond Hemp Spear
Beginner friendly, and deadly in the hands of a more experienced player.
Hyper Diamond Journey
Hyper Diamond plastic is a stiffer blend of Diamond plastic.
Hyper Diamond Ninja
The edge of the flight plate is textured for extra grip.
Hyper Diamond Spear
9 6 -2 1
Hyper Diamond Spear, MStScale
Marshall Street Scales Logo on Gateway!
Lil Hemp Wizard
Hemp blend plastic small disc that is fun to throw around!
Lil Wizard
Wizards are magical.
Lunar Magic
The straight flying Magic is now in grippy Lunar plastic!
Lunar Voodoo
I assume Voodoo still works on the moon.
Lunar Warlock
To the moon!
Lunar Wizard
Has that weighted feel of heavy rubber.
Magic Holographic Sticker
Roy and Siegfried know the secrets.
Metal Flake Diamond Assassin
Murdering fairways with no regard. Execution of drives is this disc’s specialty.
Showing 65–80 of 165 results