Westside Discs
VIP Ice Orbit Hatchet
Chop through the trees with this controllable driver!
VIP Ice Orbit King
Very long distance driver, now in Opto Ice Orbit!
VIP Ice Orbit Moonshine Gatekeeper, Sai Ananda 2024
2024 Tour Series midrange for Sai Ananda! -
VIP Ice Orbit Sampo, National Disc Golf Day
National Disc Golf Day! Long and straight, just like a Sampo! Whatever that is. -
VIP Ice Orbit Sword, Splatter Corner Stamp
Orbit Swords!
VIP Ice Orbit Tursas
The more durable understable mid range!
VIP Ice Orbit Underworld
The Underworld is the most popular Westside Disc! These ones are in special VIP Ice Orbit.
VIP Ice Orbit Underworld, Huk Lab Diamond Plate
No Underworld will look cooler spinning through the air than one with a Trifly!
VIP Ice Orbit Underworld, Splatter Corner Stamp
Slicing through fairways from deep in the depths!
VIP Ice Orbit Warship
A slightly overstable mid-range that loves to glide with a reliable fade!
VIP Ice Tursas
A super durable understable midrange!
VIP Ice Tursas, Blank
5/5/-2/1 Same disc with No Stamp!
VIP Ice Tursas, Huk Lab Diamond Plate
Whananananana! The GOAT Westside Discs midrange, now equipped with a sick Trifly.
VIP King
All hail the King
VIP Maiden
A premium plastic low-profile, beaded putter that will keep its straight flight even longer in this durable blend.
VIP Moonshine Harp
Your favorite approach disc in a durable glow plastic!
Showing 113–128 of 173 results