Dynamic Discs
Classic Burst Warden
Burst into the chains!
Classic Deputy
The most understable putter in the Dynamic Discs lineup.
Classic EMac Judge
For those who prefer a hard plastic for putting.
Classic Guard
As deep as a dagger, but with no need for the bead.
Classic Hybrid Deputy
A shallow understable comfortable putter in a Classic Hybrid test plastic.
Classic Hybrid Judge
Clean and fairly firm, though not as firm as actual firm.
Classic Hybrid Judge, 10 Year
Special Edition 10 Year Anniversary for Dynamic making discs since 2012!
Classic Hybrid Warden
A beadless neutral putter in a Classic Hybrid test plastic.
Classic Judge
Nice and firm with juuuuuuuust a little give.
Classic Judge, Blok HSCo
Sweet Handeye Supply Company BLOK stamp
Classic Jury
The Jury is based on the Judge, but more overstable. You know what they say, the Jury can be harsher than the Judge!
Classic Orbit Warden, Veterans For Vets 2023
Orbit Wardens! Vets for Vets.
Classic Soft Burst Deputy
Classicly soft.
Classic Soft Burst Judge
Bursty bursty bursty. Tiger tiger tiger.
Classic Soft Burst Warden
Soft is perfect for cold temperatures.
Classic Soft Deputy
Soft, shallow and understable
Showing 33–48 of 410 results