Hybrid Drivers

Hybrid Drivers are the discs that are faster than control (fairway) drivers but slower than Distance Drivers. They didn’t exist before discs got really fast. In fact, at the beginning, the fastest discs were pretty slow, and the three categories of Driver, Midrange and Putter served us well.

The fastest discs would increasingly be the newest discs with the widest rims, starting with the Inferno and Quarter K and then, seriously, the Wraith, Destroyer and, finally, at the max wing width allowed, the Boss at 2.5 cm. Meanwhile Discraft had already jumped the gun with its various 2.5 cm Nuke molds.

The Marshall Street Flight Guide — you should check it out — has its own section of Hybrid Drivers, everything from the Innova Max on the top left, to the DGA Sail on the lower right. Every driver on the Marshall Street Flight Guide between Speed 10 and 11 is in the dark yellow Hybrid section, between the bright yellow Control Drivers and red Distance Drivers. And if you click on any disc on the whole chart, it’ll call up every single version of that disc that we have in stock. Pretty cool.

Prodigy recognizes the Hyrbid Driver distinction explicitly with its H1, H2, H3 and H4. The higher the number the more understable.

Another thing about Marshall Street, is that we write our own descriptions. And every time we shoot for vanilla it slides ever so effortlessly into chocolate crunchberry.

Just saying.

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