Tie-Dye Discs
Tie-Dye Discs is one of disc golf’s biggest misnomers, meaning the name is wrong. Tie-Dye refers to dyed clothing that you tie in knots for special tie-dye effects.
Tie-Dye Discs should be called spin dyes, because you get the disc spinning and drop various colors of dye and types of dye onto it. It’s quite a science, and not one that just anyone can do.
Lately tie-dye discs have taken a little bit of a back seat to advancing techniques and technology in stencil dyes and SuperColor / DyeMax stamping. It’s no longer a big deal to put a photograph on any disc you want.
But the random beauty of “Tie-Dye Discs” has its own allure. They used to dye Star plastic and its counterparts but at some point these types of plastics were no longer capable of holding the dye for long.
Today Discraft, Innova and Trilogy offer Tie-Dye Discs in their transluscent urethane blends like Champion, Z and Opto / Lucid / VIP.
Glow Patriot, Joker Dye
We get in a lot of Halloween discs this time of year. This one is by far the most unsettling.
Tie Dye ESP Avenger, 2006 MSDGC Hydrated with Vitamin Water
Vintage Tie Dye ESP Avenger, 2006 MSDGC Hydrated with Vitamin Water
Tie-Dye Champion Aviar P&A
Gorgeous throwing putters!
Tie-Dye Champion Beast, Barry Schultz 2X
One of two signature drivers for Barry Shultz, aka the “Other Champ”
Tie-Dye Champion Boss, 1108 World Record
Reach distances you never thought were possible. And do it in beautiful tie-dye.
Tie-Dye Champion Destroyer
Destroy single-color discs.
Tie-Dye Champion Eagle X, Ken Climo 12X
One of the most popular Innova fairway drivers, the Eagle, in hippie camo!
Tie-Dye Champion Firebird, Ken Climo 12X
Pretty overstable. And by that we mean it’s pretty, and it’s overstable. -
Tie-Dye Champion Firestorm
Designed for power throwers who want max distance with a straight flight.
Tie-Dye Champion Gorgon
The glidey Gorgon sports a “puffy” rim underneath, sort of like the IT. These ones are in beautiful tie-dye!
Tie-Dye Champion Hawkeye
Freaky Super straight flying fairway driver!
Tie-Dye Champion IT
Sweet factory dye on a straight flying driver with great glide that requires little power! -
Tie-Dye Champion Leopard, Barry Schultz 2X
The iconic easy-to-throw fairway driver, the Leopard, in beautiful tie-dye!
Tie-Dye Champion Leopard3
The faster version of the standard Leopard, in beautiful colors.
Tie-Dye Champion Mamba
Turn and speed, little fade.
Tie-Dye Champion Orc
Need something between your Firebird and Wraith? *Finger Guns*. Plus it’s tie-dye.
Showing 1–16 of 68 results