Stock Discs
R-Pro Aviar
R-n’t you glad I didn’t say orange?
R-Pro Cro
Ranks up there with the SRP Rock-it.
R-Pro Dart
The first mold to introduce the R-Pro plastic.
R-Pro Hydra
R-Pro Pig
Oink oink settles next to the pin for a little doink doink.
R-Pro Pig, Pyramids Explosion
Oink oink settles next to the pin for a little doink doink.
R-Pro Rhyno
A good feeling rhinoceros.
R-Pro Wahoo
A super grippy distance driver that floats in water!
R-Pro Xero
Professional Rubbery Straight Flying Putter!
R2 Neutron Eclipse Glitch, MVP Open 2023
Everybody needs a Glitch! These ones have recycled R2 flight plates and rims that glow in the dark!
Radiant Forged Era
Lovely neutral Speed 10 driver with panache.
Radiant Forged Interval
Drew Gibson’s distance driver in his line up that is slightly overstable with good glide that GLOWS! -
Radiant Forged Interval, Drew Gibson
The distance driver in Drew Gibson’s Finish Line. Not quite as overstable as as Destroyer.
Radiant Taffy Love
You will fall in Love with this putter! -
Recycled ESP Avenger SS
Similar to a Sidewinder.
Recycled ESP Buzzz
One of the most popular discs in the world.
Showing 1889–1904 of 2556 results