Signature Discs
Steady Popcorn, Nikko Locastro
Nikko Locastro’s Signature straight flying putter from his short period with Clash -
Sublime Alpha, Mason Ford
Mason Ford’s 2023 Signature Sublime Alpha! -
Sublime Salamander, Des Reading
Des Reading’s Signature Series Salamander! Say that five times fast.
Sublime Swirl Freetail, Des Reading 6X
It is a naturally understable disc, designed to for easy turnovers and hyzer flip distance for lower arm speed players -
Sunny Mint, Evan Smith ’23
2023 Tour Series Mint for Evan Smith in new Sunny plastic!
Sunny Peach, Stinchcomb ’23
2023 Tour Series Peach for Erika Stinchcomb in new Sunny plastic! -
Sunny Peppermint, Cupcake ’23
Jacob Courtis aka Cupcake’s 2023 Tour Series Very Overstable Approach disc!
Sunny Popcorn, Heidi Laine ’23
2023 Tour Series Popcorn for Heidi Laine in Sunny plastic!
SuperColor ESP Luna, Paul McBeth
A SuperColor Luna! These are the domiest Luna’s we’ve ever seen.
Supernova Bohrium Kirby Snyder
Kirby Synder’s 2023 Tour Series with a Cat flying on a Disc! -
Supreme Burst Sockibomb Felon, Ricky Wysocki 2024
Ricky “Sockibomb” Wysocki’s reliable overstable control driver, now in Supreme Burst! -
Supreme EMac Truth, Prototype V2
The amazing midrange in Supreme plastic, which gives it a little more fade.
Supreme Orbit SockiBomb Felon , Proto
Ricky “Sockibomb” Wysocki’s reliable overstable control driver int he new Orbit Supreme plastic! -
Supreme Orbit SockiBomb Felon, 1st Run
Ricky “Sockibomb” Wysocki’s reliable overstable control driver in Orbit Supreme plastic!
Supreme Orbit Sockibomb Felon, Ricky Wysocki Ignite V1
Ricky “Sockibomb” Wysocki’s reliable overstable control driver with the first Ignite stamp! -
Supreme Orbit Sockibomb General
Ricky’s new Signature Sockibomb overstable distance driver!
Showing 417–432 of 560 results