Recycled Discs

Recycled Discs include Innova Echo Star, Dynamic Discs BioFuzion, Latitude 64 Recycled/Reprocessed, and Gateway Organic. The term itself means that the plastic that does into such discs was already used once, then re-ground and made into discs again.

Recycled Discs generally break in a little faster, which most of the time means they’ll be more understable than their counterparts made out of other plastic.

Organic Wizards, Voodoos, Warlocks and Magics have their very particular feel and texture, and are highly prized among Gateway aficionados.

And BioFuzion Defenders, according to the guys work here, are some of the farthest flying discs on the market because of that slight little bit of extra turn. It’s as if the re-grinding process helps to beat in the plastic, or maybe that’s exactly what happens.

So yesterday, February 16, 2018, I took Ruby the dog for a long walk. It’s unusually warm this time of year in Massachusetts, and we both came home with a bunch of little ticks crawling on us. Damn. We don’t generally have ticks in February.

I understand the problem with humans being okay with wrecking the planet by burning so much stuff. Everybody thinks they’ll be dead when the shit hits the fan, except we’re still alive and the shit is already hitting the fan. And the big problem here? The electricity running the shit fan comes from coal. From beautiful, clean coal. Ain’t life grand?

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