Lids / Frisbees

Lids / Frisbees. Words foreigh to disc golfers. It’s funny watching a disc golfer try to throw a lid, which is actually a disc golf term for frisbee-like discs, sometimes called recreational discs.

Usually the Lids / Frisbees will just flip over and cut to the ground. But if you actually know how to throw Lids / Frisbees, you can do some amazing things. One of the best Lids / Frisbee games would be Double Disc Court. We play DDC every Monday night after the doubles league finishes. I swear it is the reason why some people show up for league, to play DDC.

Manufacturers of Lids / Frisbees include Aerobie, Gateway, Daredevil, Wham-O, Discraft, Dynamic Discs, Innova, Latitude 64, and RPM. These range from the perfect lid to play catch with at the beach, lid to toss to your dog, to official lids used for Ultimate Frisbee. I mean, you could even pick up some Lids / Frisbees to warm up with before a disc golf tournament. Of course, no one does that. Most disc golfers think that throwing lids before a disc golf tournament would wreck their disc golf touch.

That may sound silly until you learn that Wade Boggs, during a hitting streak, insisted that his girlfriend not wear underwear.

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