Zing Aerofoil Mini
The heaviest and most stable zing mini!
Zing Aerofoil Mini, Pyramids Explosion
One of the better Zing minis for throwing. With our sick TSA Pyramids Explosion stamp!
Zing Cozmo Mini, Altered King
The Cozmo is Zing’s newest mini mold.
Zing Cozmo Mini, UV Altered King
This mini turns purple in sunlight. Woo.
Zing Flapjack Mini, Pyramids Explosion
Flat minis with the Pyramids Explosion stamp!
Zing Microfoil Mini
Mark your spot, throw for fun.
Zing Pico Can Capper Mini, Pyramids
Pyramids is our course on the Marshall Street grounds!
Zing Snipe Mini
Mark the spot.
Zing Snipe Mini, Pyramids Explosion
You’d think the Snipe would be a max distance driver. Think again.
Zip Chip
A mini catch disc that can be used as a mini marker.
Showing 49–64 of 90 results