P-Line Swirl Vortex, Catrina Allen
Catrina Allen’s Signature control driver now has some sweet swirls!
Bluebonnet, Victor 2
The Bluebonnet is named after the State Flower of Texas, it has a stable flight with reliable fade in Firm plastic!
Atomic Kotare
New Zealand’s Destroyer
Neutron Stabilizer
Streamline’s overstable compliment to the Pilot.
Prime Burst Truth
Does the Truth even matter anymore, America?
X-Out Prodigy D2, 400
Just the right stability.
Ultrium Jokeri
Ultrium has a nice grippy feel to it.
Proton Octane
One or two Octanes usually get the job done. I wouldn’t call myself pro-“ton of Octanes” though.
Pro Gorgon
The glidey Gorgon in Innova’s Pro plastic!
Putter Line Hard Challenger OS
The OverStable version of the classic Challenger!
VIP Glimmer Boatman, Halloween
2021 Halloween stamped with the Trick-or-Treat crew from the scary classics!
Big Z Predator
MEOW! HISS! That is how a lion does it right?
Legacy Discs Mini Marker
Show off a little bit of your legacy.
Proton Relativity
Huge rim for huge distance. Well, huge relative to our perceptions of how far a frisbee flies.
XT Whale
Eat your hearts out Sea Shepherd.
Prodigy PA3, 400
The PA3 is Prodigy’s flagship putter. 400 plastic makes a nice thrower!
Showing 945–960 of 5838 results