Trash Panda Mini – DISC East 2025
100% Recycled mini with the DISC East Expo Logo!
MSt Discraft Overstock 10-Disc Pack
A bulk pack of 10 discounted discs from our Discraft backstock. The set contains a full disc golf bag lineup, and buying them in bulk will save you 30% off of retail price!
Marshall Street Fleece Sweatpants
Just add Hoodie for a sweet fit.
S-Line MD1
The stock S-Line MD1! Delivering buttery lines to a fairway near you.
Max Disctance CF20 Carbon Fiber Disc Retriever – 20′ Extension
Long and light! These carbon fiber retriever poles extend 20 feet and weigh 1.5 pounds.
Sublime Salamander, Des Reading
Des Reading’s Signature Series Salamander! Say that five times fast.
Trash Panda Ozone, Premium – DISC East 2025
Trash Panda’s 1st driver! The Ozone is an understable and glidey fairway driver, throwable by players of any level.
Swirled Star Destroyer, Eveliina Salonen 2024 World Champion
Eveliina is the 2024 FPO Disc Golf World Champion! Hurrah! Innova is celebrating with some of the swirliest Destroyers we’ve seen.
Discology Suction Cup Ball Retriever Pole Attachment
There’s a new suction cup ball company in town!
Simon Line Prototype Neutron Balance V3 – Artistic Flight Designs 53
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Adjustable Disc Hangers
Hang up that Ace disc!
Simon Line V3 Neutron Balance Prototype
Steadily positioning to the equilibrial level of stability, poise yourself for this 3rd rendition of the soon to be finalized Simon midrange mold.
Premium Infinity Metal Flake Ultra, Broderic Frisbee Club Edition
A soft Metal Flake version of Birdie’s overstable midragne, the Ultra!
D-Line P2X, Flex 2 – Huk Lab – Gannon Buhr Signature Series
The P2X is here in Flex 2 D-Line! Be ice cold on the putting green just like Mr. Buhr.
Fluid Warden, Condensate
Fluid is super soft and gummy plastic, a perfect fit for one of the ultimate DD throwing putters.
Gamma-Solid Titanium, Glow
A controllable, slightly understable fairway driver from Løft discs that glows!
Scott Stokely, Growing Up Disc Golf – by Scott Stokely and Aaron Rath
This 201 page insight into disc golf and the life of Scott Stokely is a must-read for any frisbee slinger!
MSt XL UV Flashlight 68LED
It’s Glow Time!
Steady Ring Wild Honey
It’s about to get wild, honey. Clash’s Wild Honey bombs, and these ones have a cool “Halo”-like effect.
Gift Certificate
The best choice for a disc golfer.
Nocturnal Glow Freetail, Skullboy Edition
It is a naturally understable disc, designed to for easy turnovers and hyzer flip distance for lower arm speed players -
Nocturnal Glow Freetail
It is a naturally understable disc, designed to for easy turnovers and hyzer flip distance for lower arm speed players -
Nocturnal Glow Bullet
Mason Ford’s Signature Throwing Putter with Swirls! -
X Heat
My X gave off a lot of heat too.
X Stratus
Straight straight straight.
Putter Line Soft Roach
Just pretend the basket is your buddy, and you’re tossing him the Roach.
Putter Line Soft Ringer GT
The GT has a thumbtrack and more fade than the regular Ringer!
Putter Line Soft Zone OS
Soft OverStable approach disc to sit where you throw it!
Simon Line Prototype Neutron Balance V3 – Artistic Flight Designs 56
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Simon Line Prototype Neutron Balance V2 – Artistic Flight Designs 55
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Neutron Trail, James Conrad – Artistic Flight Designs 54
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Simon Line Prototype Neutron Balance V3 – Artistic Flight Designs 53
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Neutron Hex – Artistic Flight Designs 52
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Fission Insanity – Artistic Flight Designs 51
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Neutron Crave – Artistic Flight Designs 49
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!
Neutron Crave – Artistic Flight Designs 48
Dyes by Brandon Ayotte of Artistic Flight Designs!